Where I Stand:
The 2021 NFL Draft is over and many guys are going to get a job because of being a high draft pick, receive an opportunity to get a job, or lose a job because of being released. I honestly can sense my opportunity to earn a job playing in the NFL again. Having faith in the communication I have received from NFL franchises, I'm looking forward to the chance to get called in for a tryout. That is a great news, considering that I am a 30 year old professional, who will be listed as Rookie because I wasn’t with the Buffalo Bills beyond training camp. One team is keeping tabs on me by reaching out to my family members. However, they want to see what I can do in the arena league at my age before investing in me, and I can respect that decision.
The Train is Moving:
My bags are packed for my Indoor Football League (IFL) season with the Tucson Sugarskulls — May 5th to be exact. I am grateful to continue playing professionally a game that I love. Many players say they love the game, are passionate about the game but the majority aren’t strong enough to face hardships, let downs and continue with the same desire I show for the game. There will be success from this journey because of my grit, and I am self-reliant enough to speak it into existence. My grit and motivation will give people the courage to ignore the statistics.
To have gotten this far because I refused to give up on myself is pretty astonishing.
Having a great show case on April 3rd, 2021 in the presence of the National Football League (NFL) Washington Football Team, has brought a significant amount of attention my way from NFL’s franchises. It’s like the person who is attractive but no one shows them attention, until they see another person taking heed. Now, I am seen as date-able. I guess seeing is believing, and the NFL knows I am the real deal.
At this point, I am going to be like the river and go with the flow and see which ocean I will run into.
I know two things for sure:
1. Having to go the IFL to play, my opponents will have to feel my wrath because I am determined to make plays as I continue towards getting back in the NFL. I have a lot to prove but not to myself. I know the work I have put in to stay ready at all times, so my overall confidence is at its highest.
2. Once an NFL franchise calls me, everyone who lines up in front of me will feel every second of the blood, sweat and tears I shedded because I had to go through hell to get back the big dance.
For four months, I will be in game mode. I will iron out any wrinkles that I may have, and I will enter NFL Training Camp at game speed while signed NFL players will hope to be in full game speed by week four of the regular season.
I truly believe I will be back playing the NFL. It is a matter of time, and I do not care where.